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Andrew College Athletics

Andrew has setback against Coastal Alabama-North

Andrew has setback against Coastal Alabama-North

Cuthbert, Ga- Andrew has setback loss to Coastal Alabama- North

The Andrew College Fighting Tigers went on the road for a head-to-head matchup against the Coastal Alabama- North Coyotes.

Andrew and Coastal Alabama have already played once this year, at Andrew College where the Coyotes won in three straight sets.

The Fighting Tigers in the first set had a very slow start with only scoring seven points but then they picked it up throughout the match.

Meanwhile in the second set Andrew played their best offensive team ball with scoring 19 points and having strong rallies with the Coyotes, but Coastal Alabama had a late run to give them the edge and win the second set with a score of 25-19.

In the third set Coastal Alabama was firing on all cylinders offensively and defensively making it tough for the Fighting Tigers to get any type of momentum. The Coyotes did win the third and final set with a score of 25-12.

The Fighting Tigers were led by JaMya Evans with 6 Kills and 2 blocks, Jordynn Allen with 14 Assists & Katherine Lowery with 6 Assists and lastly Samantha Neeley with 12 Digs.

The next match for the Fighting Tigers will be at 3:00pm EST on Wednesday 10/9/2024 against Enterprise State Community College located in Enterprise, AL.

Andrew College is a NJCAA Div 1 institution located in Cuthbert, GA. The Fighting Tigers sponsor 15 sports and compete in the National Junior College Athletic Association and in the Georgia Collegiate Athletic Association.