Hall of Fame
There are four groups eligible to be elected into the Andrew Hall of Fame:
1. Athletes
a. An athlete must have graduated from a two-year institution and also earned a letter in a varsity sport from Andrew College. Persons who have not qualified for a degree, but left the college in good standing, may be nominated (good standing is defined as a 2.0 GPA and not separated for disciplinary reasons).
b. The candidate must have demonstrated good citizenship during their tenure while serving the college as well as time thereafter.
c. Must have been out of school a minimum of 5 years after their graduation year, however, special consideration for a graduate will be determined on an individual basis by the Board.
2. Team
The Board may also authorize "Team Induction" to teams in recognition of a team's outstanding accomplishments. Teams shall be eligible for nomination after 5 years.
3. Coach
a. The coach must have been out of school or their respective position at the College for a minimum of 5 years, or:
b. A coach who has been employed for a minimum of 15 years can be nominated immediately upon retirement from the college, the years of employment do not need to be consecutive.
4. Athletic Administrator
a. The candidate must have been out of school or their position at the college for a minimum of five years.
b. An athletic administrator who has been employed for a minimum of 15 years can be nominated immediately upon retirement from the college; the years of employment do not need to be consecutive. The Hall of Fame Board, at its discretion and upon unanimous vote, may authorize the induction of a person who falls outside the defined criteria.
If you would like to nominate an Athlete, Team, Coach or Athletic Administrator for the Andrew College Hall of Fame, please proceed here.